Main Contractor: McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd
Sector: Infrastructure
Location: Farnborough, Rushmore, Hampshire

Project Description: The project was a new 4-bay aircraft parking hangar with a maneuvering apron, newly associated circulating road access & parking areas. A new airport road was built between the Air Traffic Control Tower (ATC) and the new hangar. A reconfigured ATC car park to enable access to the new hangar with new additional vehicle charging points to allow the airport to continue to convert vehicles to electric power. A new extension to the existing surface water balancing pond to accommodate the additional run off from the new apron & building. A new aircraft engine run-up pen which can be used to test aircrafts as part of the maintenance regime.

Services Provided:

  • Logistics
  • Traffic Management
  • Welfare Management
  • Delivery management

Project Highlights: The project was within the airport boundary, but the construction of a new hangar was within a separate site boundary segregated from all airport staff. We had to be mindful with regards to the airport staff as our entrance road could be used by airport staff, and the fire service as it was the only access for aircrafts to get to the runway. Our traffic team were in constant communication with ACT & when an aircraft was to start approaching. Vehicles and machinery were not allowed to cross the crossing and all operatives on site had to undertake airport courses to enable them access to areas on site.

Initially, we recruited 3 unemployed people directly from the job centre and put them into full-time employment whilst continuing to use the job centre to look for more personnel for all initial roles. Due to the nature of the project and the courses required to be able to work at the airport. All the people we employed on site were local to Farnborough & lived within a 30-mile radius of the site.


Main Contractor: McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd
Sector: Infrastructure
Location: Farnborough, Rushmore, Hampshire

Project Description: The project was a new 4-bay aircraft parking hangar with a maneuvering apron, newly associated circulating road access & parking areas. A new airport road was built between the Air Traffic Control Tower (ATC) and the new hangar. A reconfigured ATC car park to enable access to the new hangar with new additional vehicle charging points to allow the airport to continue to convert vehicles to electric power. A new extension to the existing surface water balancing pond to accommodate the additional run off from the new apron & building. A new aircraft engine run-up pen which can be used to test aircrafts as part of the maintenance regime.

Services Provided:

  • Logistics
  • Traffic Management
  • Welfare Management
  • Delivery management

Project Highlights: The project was within the airport boundary, but the construction of a new hangar was within a separate site boundary segregated from all airport staff. We had to be mindful with regards to the airport staff as our entrance road could be used by airport staff, and the fire service as it was the only access for aircrafts to get to the runway. Our traffic team were in constant communication with ACT & when an aircraft was to start approaching. Vehicles and machinery were not allowed to cross the crossing and all operatives on site had to undertake airport courses to enable them access to areas on site.

Initially, we recruited 3 unemployed people directly from the job centre and put them into full-time employment whilst continuing to use the job centre to look for more personnel for all initial roles. Due to the nature of the project and the courses required to be able to work at the airport. All the people we employed on site were local to Farnborough & lived within a 30-mile radius of the site.

London Office
Avondale Construction,
8 Stucley Place,

Regional Office
Advance House
Waterfall Lane Trading Estate
Old Hill,
B64 6PU

A Camden Business

Company Registration Number: 01368818
Registered Office: 4th Floor, 4 Tabernacle Street, London, EC2A 4LU

Designed by Otelli

London Office
Avondale Construction,
8 Stucley Place,

Regional Office
Advance House
Waterfall Lane Trading Estate
Old Hill,
B64 6PU

A Camden Business

Company Registration Number: 01368818
Registered Office: 4th Floor, 4 Tabernacle Street, London, EC2A 4LU

Designed by Otelli